Flatulence (passing gas):
Occurs when gas accumulates in your dog’s intestinal tract and colon. This is a normal process that occurs when bacteria break down certain types of food. While it can be disruptive and disconcerting, it is rarely indication of a severe health problem.

Why do Dogs Get Gassy:
Dog flatulence is not only an annoying problem, but it can also be a sign that something may be wrong with your pet or its diet. Gas in canines can be caused by many different things. However, if it is accompanied by dog bloating, you need to take your pet to a veterinarian immediately.

Common Causes of Gassy Dogs:
Eating too Fast – If your dog eats too fast, it often gulps air as well. This air ends up in the intestines, which comes out as gas. If this if the case, feed your dog smaller portions of food to teach it to eat slower.

Changes in Diet – Many dogs have sensitive systems and changes to their diets can cause dog flatulence. This can also occur if you feed your pet too much human food. Try giving your dog its original food for a few days. If the gas goes away, then you know it was diet-related.

Intestinal Parasites – Gas in dogs can also be caused by an infestation of intestinal parasites. The best way to check for worms in your dog is to have your veterinarian examine its stools. A de-worming may be needed.

Poor Nutrition – Some dog food simply lacks proper nutrition and can cause gas in dogs. This is especially true of food that has an overabundance of fiber, which can be hard on a dog’s digestive system. Make sure you feed your pet a properly balanced dog food.L ow-quality foods with ingredients that can’t be fully digested can cause gas. So do random table scraps and foods containing lactose.

Slow Digestive System – Another cause of dog farts is a slow digestive system. When dogs are not in proper shape, they can get constipated. This can result in excess gas. Help your dog stay in shape. Take it for regular walks and play with it when you can.

Bacteria – If your dog likes to eat things it should not, bacteria can accumulate in its body. This can cause all sorts of problems including dog gas. This can be solved through proper training and, if necessary, adding probiotics to your dog’s food.

Food sensitivities and allergies – find out what your dog’s stomach can and cannot handle.

Which Dogs Are Most at Risk:
All dogs can develop flatulence, especially if they’re fed a low-quality food with fillers and artificial preservatives, random table scraps, too many snacks or foods they’re allergic to.
Could be a symptom of another health issue?
Can be a side effect of certain medications and can also be a symptom of other medical problems.

What Can I Do to Reduce My Dog’s Flatulence: Feeding a consistent and healthy diet is the best way to reduce your dog’s flatulence. Here are a couple of rules to follow:
–  Feed your dog a nutritious, highly digestible food. Do a little research to find the brands that are appropriate for his age, breed and lifestyle. Watch out for ingredients like ash, low-quality proteins and corn products that make your dog feel full, but aren’t rich in nutrition. And do ask your vet for advice about pet food.
–  Don’t feed your dog random table scraps. Allergies or sensitivities to certain foods are common.
–  If your adult canine is a fast eater, you might divide his portion in half and let him eat two small meals a day.
–  Know your dog’s allergies and food sensitivities, and steer clear of foods that will irritate her stomach.
–  Some dogs are also lactose intolerant. Avoid dairy products.
–  You’ll know you’re feeding your dog a healthy, highly digestible food when he no longer has gas and begins to excrete firm, well-formed feces.

What to use if your dog has gas:
NOTE: These ideas have worked with previous owners whose dogs had problems and they had not changed diets or protocol.

1. Beano can be used in dogs – use children’s dose
2. Papaya Enzyme
3. Give Gas X – works wonders, and it’s simethicone

NOTE: ME dogs are prone to high gas and the Gas X does help and fast. Get the strips they dissolve on the tongue.

4. Plant Enzyme capsules (Now Co.) work well. They have lactase, bromelain, plantain, and I can’t recall what else – with the exception of a couple of dogs with undiagnosed chicken intolerance. You can also add simethicone, but best to stop the gas-producing food (often dairy), and just use the enzymes.