Crisp, cool air and luscious foliage is right around the corner:

With the summer season at its end, fall is here with its own form of dangers for our furry friends. There are some important safety issues to consider and below are some tips to keep your precious 4-footeds happy and healthy. For our Megaesophagus (ME) dogs, these tips are critical, so make sure you are already doing what is needed to protect your precious pets, but especially pay attention to those that could cause even more damage to our ME dogs.

Can others see your dog at night:
Daylight Savings Time means shorter days and longer nights. Make sure your dog is wearing a collar (Reflective one if possible) or leash during the dusk and night times while outside so others can easily see them. Also, make sure they have identification on the collar and include the fact they have special needs….don’t just say Megaesophagus or ME as folks outside our ME community rarely know what this means.

Monitor any recent health changes:
The change in seasons can bring on skin conditions, breathing issues, aching joints and allergies. If you notice any unusual changes in health, seek veterinary advice as soon as possible. This one we can speak to as becoming severe and quickly. Two of our GSDs have major allergy problems (most air borne so not controllable for us in our home or yard) and their skin rashes became so bad, they are now under the care of a wonderful canine dermatologist the rest of their lives.

Keep school supplies out of paws reach:
Glue sticks, pencils, magic markers, crayons and other supplies are left around the house by school children. Make sure these supplies are secured where your pets can’t access them as some are poisonous.

Watch out for ticks:
Problems with ticks and fleas are still prevalent during the fall season. Check your dogs after coming indoors and use a flea and tick preventative to keep these pests out of your home. Make sure you follow what is necessary in your area of the world with regard to needing to use flea, tick, and heartworm preventative. Sadly, many of our dogs MUST be on these, but can have adverse affects when given. This is another one we can personally say causes our ME GSD Gretyl problems. Within 36-48 post giving each month, there is more regurg, but we had to weigh the potential for outcome without. Even though we experimented with different options, it is what happens, we are aware of the timing so are more watchful, but it protects her from worse potential possibilities if not given in our area.

Be cautious of rodent poisons:
The use of rat and mouse poisons increase during the fall as rodents seek shelter from the cooler temperatures. These poisons are highly toxic and, if ingested, the results could not only be fatal, but the cost of emergency treatment if suspected is very high and involves follow-up to ensure your pet is safely not affected.

Be safe at Halloween:
Halloween is another holiday when many pets go missing. Kid’s costumes may frighten them and there are plenty of chances to run out of the house with your front door constantly being opened and shut. Be extremely alert to where your dogs are at all times if taking part in trick or treating. We started sitting out on our driveway with neighbors and handing candy out while front door lights are off. Dogs are inside but in an area of the house they can’t hear as much of the activity. We also leave a radio or TV on at higher volume, so they stay calm. This has worked great for about 10 years and no chance for them to get out, we still enjoy the hundreds of trick or treaters, and we get to visit with neighbors.