What is it
Uncontrollable reverse flow of gastric or intestinal fluids into esophagus
May be due to brief relaxation of sphincter at base of esophagus
May occur at any age
Fluids released may cause damage to lining of esophagus (esophagitis)
Can cause from mild inflammation to damage to esophagus lining

Possible causes
Reflux while dog is under anesthesia
Improper placing of dog during administration of anesthesia
Failure to “fast” the dog prior to anesthesia
Hiatal hernia can heighten risk

Regurging food
Evidence of pain (whining or howling) while swallowing
Lack of appetite
Weight loss
Severe esophagitis may show fever and extreme salivation
Smacking lips
Seems uncomfortable

Use of drugs such as pro-kinetic agents (i.e., Pepsid – also called Famotidine or an acid inhibitor like Omeprazole – also called Prilosec) to improve movement of food through esophagus
Use slippery elm
Use Carafate as prescribed by DVM