Why loss of appetite: (WARNING: MUST discuss with your veterinarian first and have full agreeance.)
- May not feel good and not interested in food or eating at all
- Can be a result of your dog having aspiration pneumonia
- Must be careful with food and consistency changes – keep the same even if you have to use a blender to get smoother consistency
- Maintain same eating and holding position as always
- Might need to discuss use of prescription stimulant with your veterinarian
Suggestions to help stimulate eating:Â (WARNING: MUST discuss with your veterinarian first and have full agreeance.)
 1. Metronidazole
2. Anything smelly, but watch consistency, amount, etc and know your dog could get diarrhea from something different
3. Â https://www.petmd.com/pet-medication/metronidazole